All Activities
How do I email reports?
Email charts and sheets using subscribe.
How do I create dashboards?
Create a new app, add data and build a dashboard using simplified authoring.
How do I make more valuable dashboards?
Best practices for building effective visualizations.
How do I interact with Charts?
Makes selections in charts and filters to focus an analysis.
How do I manage user permissions?
Add users to a tenant, and configure permissions.
How do I process current records using incremental load?
This video will demonstrate the insert-only incremental load process which involves retaining the bulk of the data that’s been loaded into the app, then processing any changes within the source to keep the app up-to-date.
What is a measure?
This video provides a definition for measure, which is a numeric data field whose values are used in mathematical calculations.
How do I create a dimension reference line?
This video will demonstrate the creating a reference line on the dimension axis.
How do I analyze visualizations using expanded selection tools?
This video will demonstrate analyzing data in a Qlik Sense app using the Selection Tool and Generate Insights capabilities.
How do I customize a tooltip display?
This video will show how to customize the tooltip displays which are presented when you mouseover visualization elements. Customization options include the ability to add a chart to a tooltip which can be configured to relate information specifically for the...
How do I configure a label to include an expression?
This video will demonstrate constructing an expression for the label field on a bar chart.
How do I add a reference line using an expression?
This video will demonstrate adding a calculated value as a reference line to a chart.
How do I create a bookmark that saves exploration menu customizations?
This video will demonstrate the options you have when you save a bookmark - saving the sheet location with the bookmark and saving any additional customizations made to that chart with the exploration menu with the bookmark.